
Juniors and seniors in advanced painting class are being asked to teach to both their classmates and to the Foundations to Art classes a lesson on art movements and the artists associated with that period. Advanced students will do an in depth research project and participate in a lecture series that will serve two purposes; part one will serve as part of their final grade and the second part will serve as an entrance proposal into the AP art course. The advanced art students will present a power point of a different art period and show examples of art from several artists of that period. Each student will teach a different art movement, such as the Renaissance, Impressionistic, Surrealism and Modern Art, to the painting class and possibly a Foundations class.


The advanced art students will need to do some research at suggested websites about artists and their art pieces of a particular period. A power point presentation will need the following information; a brief summary of the period, examples of art from that period, names of the artist and title of their work, state why this period was influential to the art world, interesting facts about the artist or the work should be included, and lastly, type of media the artist used.


Step one: Search the web for general information about the art period you chose. Read about the period and type of art being produced during that time. What artists were associated with the period? Print out your resources and be sure to record the URL address on each fact that you are printing out. You will need the resources as references for your PowerPoint and will turn them in with your final presentation.

Step two: Find several examples of art work painted by artists of your period and copy, cut and paste them into your power point or a folder to access later. Make sure to label the art work by the name of the artist, title, year, and media on the slides of your PowerPoint.

Step three: Create a power point with at least 10 slides that cover the following areas; A summary of your art period, a short biography of at least 4 to 5 artists of that period, and 2 or more examples of art from each artist. Give your audience some insight to the influences of society or the art movement of that time that was driving the artists of that period (such as the invention of the printing press or the industrial revolution).

Step four: Print out an outline of your PowerPoint presentation, so copies can be made for the beginning students to use for their notes. Include slide examples of the art work in your printed outline.

Step five: Last, each student will present their PowerPoint in front of the advanced art class for a run through and then will present to the foundation art classes after getting some feedback from your peers.

Step six: Write a short 5 question quiz for the foundation students to take after your presentation that includes questions of the art period, specific artists, and style of the period. You may use a combination of question types such as; true of false, essay, or fill in the blank. Students will not use their notes on the quiz; therefore you need to teach your material well. Allow the students enough time to write down their notes, and give them accurate information to record.


Because this is a Web Quest, all of your resources must come for the Web. You may use the links provided on the link list located on the right of the screen, or you may find your own. One way to make your PowerPoint presentation exceptional is to add a video, podcast, or a hyperlink to a good website.


Write a half page, double spaced, type written summary on how well your PowerPoint presentation went in front of both your classmates and the Foundation students. How well do you do overall? What went well, and what would you have done differently? What were some of the comments and feedback you received from your peers? What did you learn about the art period that surprised you as you did your research?

Evaluation - Rubric

A printed version of the rubric will be provided, and will cover all the requirements of this project. The guideline below is a reference of the rubric point break down.

1) Worksheet 25 pts.
2) PowerPoint 100 pts.
3) Presentation 25 pts.
4) Quiz about art period 25pts.
5) Conclusion paragraph 25pts.